

Macos x Call Me by Your Name



Macos x Call Me by Your Name

Average rating=8,5 of 10 stars / actors=Michael Stuhlbarg / / 132 m / country=France / Release year=2017





I have never been able to see another Movie five times like I did this. This film tells the story of a 17 year old man in a small town in Italy, who is the son of an archeologist. One day, an American research assistant arrives to assist with research, and the young man's life is not the same again.
It is refreshing to see that a coming of age film that is not overly dramatic. In this film, all characters appear very real, and they connect with each other and with the viewers. I like the fact that the story is delivered in a understated, or even muted manner. The pacing is slow, which gives time for feelings to develop and sink in with the viewers. The final scene is just super effective, it makes me hold my breath to listen intently on what the father has to say. The message is not just applicable to the characters in the film, but to every human being on Earth. It is a profound message about the heart and the body. This film is such a beauty.

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No Name Ninja
